All women of the church are invited to attend our meetings at 1:00 PM, the second Thursday of the month in the Newkirk Room.
ALL ladies who have the desire for a time of fellowship and service are welcome to join us.
Jean Belski, GUWF President
All women of the church are invited to attend our meetings at 1:00 PM, the second Thursday of the month in the Newkirk Room.
ALL ladies who have the desire for a time of fellowship and service are welcome to join us.
Jean Belski, GUWF President
Our Purpose
Our Mission:
We seek to connect and nurture women through Christian spiritual formation, leadership development, creative fellowship and education so that they can inspire, influence and impact local and global communities.
Our Vision:
We are a powerful, fearless force driven by God’s love and united in sisterhood. With a focus on women, children and youth, we act for justice and transform communities.
We face the realities we see in the world, even when they are not the ones we would like to see. However, our goal is not to bear witness simply to harms but also to God’s love by acting boldly to change those harms.
Grace United Women in Faith serves the world by donating money to our missionaries; making dresses for Dress a Girl around the World, filling flood buckets, donating goods (soap, wash cloths, towels and fabric) for Days for Girls, donating to our local Domestic Violence Women's Shelter in Brownsville, PA and the Washington City Mission, as well as helping our own Grace Church community. We are *Women of Action*.
GUWF meet on the second Thursday of the month in the Newkirk Room at 1 pm. We have a light snack and conduct our meetings by having devotions, reading from Response Magazine and/or having a program from the UWF program book or guest speaker. At the end of the meeting we ask for prayer concerns, pray over the prayer concerns and conclude by reciting the UWF benediction...
May the Grace of Christ our Savior and the Father's boundless love, with the Holy Spirit's favor, rest upon us from above. Thus may we abide in union with each other and the Lord, and possess, in sweet Communion, joys which Earth cannot afford.
2021 Officers:
Here's a little more information about the purpose of UMCOR Relief Supply Kits: